Antibiotics are undoubtedly one of the wonders of medical science as they "fight and kill" bacteria and viruses thus shielding our body from various health problems that may occur.
In children before adulthood the use of antibiotics should be proper and measured. Let's get to know the 4 very important reasons:
- Whenever children take antibiotics they run the risk of experiencing side effects such as stomach upset, diarrhea or even a possible allergic reaction.
- At the same time they kill the body's normal flora. In other words, microbes that live in our body and are in harmony with it.
- They increase resistance and so the next time your child really needs an antibiotic then your doctor will probably be forced to prescribe a much "stronger" antibiotic.
- Most importantly though, it creates resistant strains. Giving antibiotics unnecessarily or incorrectly creates germs that are not killed by existing antibiotics. These microbes spread in the community, from person to person, and cause infections that can even lead to death if the bacteria cannot be controlled with the antibiotics available to us. This is the biggest public health problem today and states have sounded the alarm to address this major problem for our society. To tackle this problem, the contribution of ordinary people is important by better informing them about the correct use of antibiotics.
You as parents can significantly help in addressing the overuse of antibiotics by children. The vast majority of your child's frequent infections do not need antibiotics because they are caused by viruses!