Corona virus article
Picture of Δρ. Χαρα Παπαγεωργιου

Dr. Chara Papageorgiou

The spread of the virus and what we have to do


The virus has spread in our country too and sadly, over the next days we will see a rapid increase in the number of confirmed cases. Most of the people who will be infected will experience mild or no symptoms at all. An estimated 80% - 85% of the people infected will have mild symptoms.
Υπολογίζεται ότι περίπου το 80% με 85 % των προσβληθέντων παρουσιάζει ήπια συμπτωματολογία.
Children seem to be significantly less vulnerable to the new coronavirus and very few children seem to be falling ill. An epidemiological analysis of more than half of the Covid-19 cases in China, showed that children of 0-9 years of age account for only 0,9% of the Covid-19 cases, where children of 9-19 years old account for 1,2 % of these cases. But while children seem to be protected from the coronavirus, they can spread the virus to other people and especially to vulnerable adults.αμηλή. Σύμφωνα με τα επιδημιολογικά δεδομένα που αφορούν περισσότερα από τα μισά κρούσματα του ιού Covid-19 στην Κίνα, έφταναν στις ηλικίες από 0 έως εννέα ετών το 0,9%του συνόλου. Στις ηλικίες δε από εννέα εώς δεκαεννέα ετών αφορούσαν μόλις το 1,2%. Και ενώ τα παιδιά δεν κινδυνεύουν άμεσα από τον κορονοϊό αποτελούν όμως πηγή μετάδοσης και διασποράς στον υπόλοιπο πληθυσμό και ιδιαίτερα στις ευπαθείς ομάδες.
The virus seems to be really easy to spread, even before a person has any symptoms.

So far, we know that the virus spreads in the following ways:

a) through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks loudly. These droplets remain in the air and can infect someone else. That’s why it’s really important to avoid overcrowded or confined places and keep a 2m distance from other people. Ventilation is also very important.
b) droplets generated from an infected person may land on and contaminate different surfaces. In case someone touches a contaminated surface and then touches his food, or his mouth, may be infected too. In the same way, the virus will spread when a patient coughs in his hand and then shakes hands with others or touches different surfaces.
The incubation period of Covid-19, or the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms is between 3 and 7 days, but in some cases, it can be up to 14 days. Unfortunately, during this period the person is contagious. It is assumed that each infected person passes it on to 2-3 more persons every day!
The most common symptoms of the disease are sore throat, muscle aches, dry cough and fever. Most people will recover from the disease. Some will not even have any symptoms. Some people though (15% - 20%) are more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with pneumonia and some will need to receive special treatment in an intensive care unit.

What do we do:

a) Avoid crowded and confined places o behave as if we are already infected.
b) Follow the basic hygiene rules, washing your hands often and thoroughly and train your kids in that direction too
c) Avoid visiting and contacting vulnerable people.
The best way to protect other people is to behave as if we are already infected.

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