Parent and pupils of primary school go hand in hand. Woman and girls with backpacks behind backs. Beginning of lessons. First day of fall.
Picture of Δρ. Χαρα Παπαγεωργιου

Dr. Chara Papageorgiou

Kindergarten and diseases: How to protect your children from illnesses.

We may be in our favorite summer month but soon many young children and parents will be called back to the daily routine of daycare and school. That's why I'm giving you everything you need to know for a gentle start to the new school year!

It is common for young children to be gathered in small spaces together, exchanging handshakes, hugs, kisses and things. It's normal. You have to accept that your child will get sick.

But what are the most common illnesses and what can we do to prevent this?

The common cold and gastroenteritis are the most significant. They are very easily transmitted especially in kindergarten and preschool children.

Common cold viruses are transmitted through the air and mainly through sneezing and coughing. They are also transmitted by saliva and nasal secretions. It is also good to know that if a child gets sick and catches toys and objects then they will most likely infect the next child who handles those objects.

On the other hand, gastroenteritis is a bit more complex illnesses and there is a lot of responsibility on the kindergarten teachers and the staff who clean and disinfect the premises. It is very easy for bacteria that the adult immune system deals with complete success to pass on to young children and infect them. For example, someone in the kitchen may have bacteria or recently passed flu and is preparing food for young children. But we have several "weapons" in our quiver as parents until we send young children to preschools and daycare centers. Let's check them out:

  • Follow your pediatrician's advice and vaccinate your children early with the age-appropriate vaccines provided.
  • Be responsible for protecting all other children who interact with yours. If they are sick, contact the pediatrician/doctor immediately.
  • Ensure that all safety measures are strictly observed in the nursery or daycare center.
  • Observe the rules of personal hygiene and make sure that your children see you at all times during the act.
  • If the child develops symptoms of an illness before returning to the desk, inform the school and allow the child the necessary time to recover.

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